Happy Birthday Jacob!!!
“Beat the devil out of it” - Title of Jacob’s sex tape
Well would you look at that - its that time of the year! What time i hear you ask, why - it's NATIONAL HUGGING DAY of course! oh and also Jacob's birthday. Here for all is a website i have compiled, complete with a Lettuce Gang Gallery, Meme Dictionary and sweet little messages from each lettuce gang member! Isn't there lovely!!! Slap on the back is awarded to josh, who had the quite wonderful idea of beating Jacob at his own game, and making a fancy ass website to hopefully knock his socks off.
Apologies in advance for the distinct lack of animated fireworks (the mark of a truly good website) - believe me i did try. Unfortunately SquareSpace does not like me nor jacob's code - which I definetely didn't steal from his 2019 site coughs nervously Please look at the space below and imagine that there are randomly generated fireworks moving about and stuff in the mean time. Gosh, aren't they pretty?
“There’s lovely”