The Birthday Messages


Mukhtar’s Message


Jacob, you're a pemis

Love, Mukhtar


Megan’s Message


JACOB YOURE BLOODY AWESOME!!!! Curly hair boy!!! The polite one!!!! Honestly Jacob you are, no lie!! I bet you’ll read everyone else’s messages and they’ll all be saying similar things because ITS TRUE!!!!! You are one of the funniest, most talented, most dedicated, most polite, most conscientious and GENERALLY ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE I’VE EVER MET!!!!! Happy birthday!!!!!! Have a fantabootifulicious day!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Zahra’s Message


Dear Jacob, 

Nif ni hnad tno dnescribe ynou nin thnree wnords, ni wnouldn't bne nable tno, bnecause thnere's tnoo mnany AMNAZING thnings abnout ynou! 

Du bist ausgezeichnet! Ich hoffe, dass wir ein Tag miteinander die Donau besichtigen können. UND - wir werden bürgerlich sein! 

In all honesty, Jacob, you're one of the kindest, sweetest and straight up craziest people I know - and we all love you for it. Especially me, because I'm your mother. You (and all of the gang) are absolutely and definitely worth the 'wrong' stuff - the bad friends, the memories we'd rather forget. You're worth ALL of it. 

So today, I wish you the biggest, loudest, brightest 


because you really deserve a wonderful day. 

There's lovely. 

Love from Zahra xxx :)


Thomas’s Message



Thank you for always being there for me whenever I’ve needed you, all the way from year 7 to now. I certainly don’t know how you’ve managed to put up with my endless football manager talk between then and now but thank you for being such a great friend to me. I hope we stay together through sixth form because I’ll certainly need you there with me. Have an amazing 16th birthday and I hope you get everything you want because honestly you deserve it all multiple times over.

From Tom :)


Josh’s Message


Dear Jacob,

I am authoring this correspondance to you, using the formal style with which we commonly adress one another, in the hope that this massage shall find you well on or around the date of the anniversary of your birth. Prior to this year, our contact was limited, to say the least, but I am certainly glad that changes have occured, and that our relationship has developed. Despite our romantic feelings for one another thankfully dwindling with time, we have progressed in several other ways, and I hope that, with things culminating in #PQ Fridays, we can continue in the same vein we have already begun.
I would like to thank you for much amusement, amazement and awesomeness, with the alliteration also serving to highlight these as important factors, that I have recieved from you over the past year. Your talents and goodwill never cease to surprise and bring a large smile to my lips, and with each new creation and gimmick I grow ever more in wonder of your creativity and pun ability. I hope that Alisha’s fabulous creation can recreate in you some of the wonder we feel upon finding yours, and I wish you well for the upcoming year.
Keep going!

With Smiles


Alisha’s Message



obvs i’m not as good at making these massive soppy (still incredibly sweet though) letters as you but I’ll sure as heck try my best.

You, Jacob, are an absolute star! I don’t think I’ve met anyone quite as funny and kind as you and its no exageration that every moment spent with you is an absolute hoot. Just the sheer amount of weird little inside jokes and huge intricate storys/business plans alone is astronomical to me, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to create these things and really unhinge my very strange side until I became friends with you. Also, can I just say that I never considered myself a funny person, in fact I’d been told by quite a few people that I’m quite the opposite, and that you think I’m a “meme queen” is really quite shocking. You’ve been such an amazing person this past year and really helped me let out a part of myself I never really knew existed. You’re always so eager to help others, and the amount you do for us, even just for fun, is just insane. No matter how many times I say it it’ll never stop being relevant - thank you for all of the amazing things you do, and thank you for being there for all of us, always.

I think I can speak for everyone in the lettuce gang when I say that we’re so incredibly lucky to have you as a friend, and I pray to Josh that we can all stay as close as we are now.

Lots of love,
